345 | Ballast Water Management Convention 2004, Panama Policy. | February, 2025 | BWMC, CIRCULARS | February, 2017 | | bwmc circulars |
202 | List of Approved P&I Clubs/Insurers | January, 2025 | CIRCULARS, LIABILITY | March, 2009 | | circulars liability |
230 | Ship Protection Measures to Pirates Attacks. | January, 2025 | CIRCULARS, PIRACY | September, 2011 | | circulars piracy |
344 | Restrictions for the recognition of technical documentation of seafarers by other Maritime Administrations. | January, 2025 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | December, 2016 | | circulars seafarers |
343 | List of State Parties of the 1978 STCW Convention, as amended, that have communicated information which demonstrates that full and complete effect is given to the provisions of the Convention (White List). | January, 2025 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | December, 2016 | | circulars seafarers |
274 | Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC) – Standard A4.3.5– REPORT OF OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENTS, INJURIES AND DISEASES. | December, 2024 | CIRCULARS, MLC | October, 2016 | | circulars mlc |
258 | Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear. | December, 2024 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | December, 2012 | | circulars solas |
136 | Recognized Organizations authorized by the Republic of Panama. | December, 2024 | CIRCULARS, RO, RSO AND CLASS | October, 2004 | | circulars ro-rso-and-class |
367 | Hazard Working Conditions | November, 2024 | CIRCULARS, MLC | May, 2018 | | circulars mlc |
374 | Companies Representing the Flag State Inspectors. | November, 2024 | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | March, 2019 | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
161 | Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) and Simplified Voyage Data Recorder (S- VDR) annual test, and its Performance Standards | September, 2024 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | March, 2008 | | circulars solas |
183 | Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR). | September, 2024 | CIRCULARS, ISPS CODE | April, 2012 | | circulars isps-code |
350 | Provisions for conditions of cadets on board Panamanian flag vessels. | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | May, 2017 | | circulars mlc |
245 | Armed Security Personnel on board Panama flagged vessels transiting High Risk Areas. | Septiembre, 2024 | CIRCULARS, PIRACY | July, 2012 | | circulars piracy |
133 | Ship Security Alert System (SSAS). | September, 2024 | CIRCULARS, ISPS CODE | February, 2004 | | circulars isps-code |
402 | Italy Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels. | August, 2024 | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | August, 2024 | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
355 | Use of Electronic Certificates onboard. | August, 2024 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | August, 2017 | | circulars technical-policies |
243 | Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC). | July, 2024 | CIRCULARS, PIRACY | April, 2012 | | circulars piracy |
379 | Procedure for Port State Control (PSC). | July, 2024 | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | JUNE, 2020 | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
380 | Measurements to Reduce PSC Detentions and improve the performance on Panamanian Vessels. | July, 2024 | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | June, 2020 | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
171 | Annual Safety Inspection Program | July, 2024 | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | July, 2008 | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
359 | Guidance for the implementation and certification of the ISPS Code. | June, 2024 | CIRCULARS, ISPS CODE | November, 2017 | | circulars isps-code |
401 | International Code of Safety for Ships Carrying Industrial Personnel (IP Code) | June, 2024 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | June, 2024 | | circulars solas |
288 | Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008, as Amended | June, 2024 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | May, 2015 | | circulars technical-policies |
391 | Multiple Load Line Certificate Operational Procedure. | May, 2024 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | May, 2021 | | circulars technical-policies |
195 | Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT). | May, 2024 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | December, 2008 | | circulars solas |
152 | Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC), 2021 | May, 2024 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | October, 2007 | | circulars technical-policies |
204 | Outside Ship’s Bottom inspection and Dry docking Interface Periods for Panamanian Flagged Vessels. | April, 2024 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | July, 2009 | | circulars technical-policies |
156 | EXEMPTION, CONDITIONAL, INTERIM AND FULL-TERM CERTIFICATES. | April, 2024 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | February, 2012 | | circulars technical-policies |
138 | Magnetic Compass | April, 2024 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | August, 2009 | | circulars solas |
150 | MOU Annual Safety Inspection Program. | March, 2024 | CIRCULARS, OFFSHORE | July, 2007 | | circulars offshore |
192 | Guidance on “Type Approvals” and “satisfaction of the Administration”. | March, 2024 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | November, 2008 | | circulars technical-policies |
123 | International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). | March, 2024 | CIRCULARS, ISPS CODE | September, 2013 | | circulars isps-code |
400 | Use of AIS and/or LRIT onboard fishing vessels. | March, 2024 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | March, 2024 | | circulars technical-policies |
334 | GMDSS equipment requirements | March, 2024 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | August, 1998 | | circulars registration-requirements |
388 | Revised Guidelines on the Implementation of the ISM Code by Administrations | January, 2024 | CIRCULARS, ISM CODE | February, 2021 | | circulars ism-code |
193 | Optional and Voluntary System for Electronic Books or Electronic Record Books on board Panamanian Flagged Vessels. | January, 2024 | CIRCULARS, PUBLICATION / LOGBOOKS | April, 2018 | | circulars publication-logbooks |
362 | List of accepted Companies with type approval Certificate of Ballast Water Management System. | January, 2024 | BWMC, CIRCULARS | August. 2018 | | bwmc circulars |
324 | Control and Administrative Fees imposed by the Republic of Panama to the Technical Documents, Statutory Certificates issued, endorsements and approvals | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, RO, RSO AND CLASS | September, 2006 | | circulars ro-rso-and-class |
214 | Mandatory Implementation of the Amendments to the IMSBC Code. | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | January, 2011 | | circulars technical-policies |
366 | Adoption of Amendment to MARPOL 73/78, Annex V. | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | May, 2018 | | circulars marpol |
271 | Adoption and Regulation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, amended (MLC 2006, amended). | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | March, 2013 | | circulars mlc |
386 | Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) for ships calling at EU ports. | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, RO, RSO AND CLASS | July, 2020 | | circulars ro-rso-and-class |
385 | Dispensation for Ship ́s Cook – Regulation 3.2, Standard A3.2, paragraph 6 of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006, as amended). | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | July, 2020 | | circulars mlc |
235 | Adoption and regulation of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended (1978 STCW Convention, as amended) and its STCW Code | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | January, 2012 | | circulars seafarers |
275 | Food and catering – Regulation 3.2, Standard A3.2 of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006, as amended). | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | June, 2013 | | circulars mlc |
270 | Fishing Vessels and other ships engaged in activities and support of capturing fishing resources operations. | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | March, 2013 | | circulars registration-requirements |
373 | Global Maritime Safety Inspection Platform Implementation (GMSIPI). | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | February, 2019 | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
354 | Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management. | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, ISM CODE | August, 2017 | | circulars ism-code |
365 | Panama Policy on SEEMP, IMO-DCS and Carbon Intensity Indicator | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | May, 2018 | | circulars marpol |
269 | Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC) – Certification Process – Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC). | December, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | March, 2013 | | circulars mlc |
3 | List of Merchant Marine Consular Offices | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, CONSULAR OFFICE | January, 1992 | | circulars consular-office |
164 | Guidelines on early assessment of hull damage and possible need for abandonment of bulk carriers, on board of Panamanian Flagged Vessels | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | July, 2008 | | circulars solas |
68 | Manning of survival craft and supervision. | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | June, 1992 | | circulars solas |
328 | Provisions for the training and certification of offshore personnel on board offshore units registered under the Panamanian flag. | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, OFFSHORE | March, 2016 | | circulars offshore |
30 | Observance of Traffic Separation Schemes. | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | February, 1992 | | circulars technical-policies |
217 | Ship to Ship Transfer (STS) Operations Plan | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | December, 2010 | | circulars marpol |
167 | Crew Boat Requirements | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | July, 2008 | | circulars technical-policies |
166 | Other means of embarkation for remotely located survival crafts | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | July, 2008 | | circulars solas |
216 | Code of the safety for Caribbean Cargo Ships (CCSS Code) | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | December, 2010 | | circulars technical-policies |
241 | Certificate of Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (CLC92) | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, LIABILITY | August, 2017 | | circulars liability |
218 | Electronic Charts and Publications in regards to the Carriage Requirements and Crew Training on board Panama Flagged vessels. | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, PUBLICATION / LOGBOOKS | February, 2011 | | circulars publication-logbooks |
372 | Early Implementation of SOLAS Regulations II-2/Regulation 1 and II-2/Regulation 10 | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | January, 2019 | | circulars solas |
370 | Yacht Technical Policy | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, YACHT | December, 2018 | | circulars yacht |
378 | Announcement of Resolution entry in force January 1st, 2020, for Amendments to the International CODE for Fire Safety SYSTEM (FSS CODE). | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | January, 2020 | | circulars solas |
259 | Annual Taxes Receipt (ATR). | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | December, 2012 | | circulars registration-requirements |
229 | Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | August, 2014 | | circulars solas |
224 | Control of the Fuel’s Quality Guidelines. | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | June, 2011 | | circulars marpol |
142 | Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBD) | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | June, 2018 | | circulars solas |
313 | Validity of Color Copies of Original Documents. | November, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | August, 2018 | | circulars seafarers |
155 | Auotmatic Identification System (AIS) | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | March, 2008 | | circulars solas |
181 | Responsibilities of companies under Regulation I/14 of the 1978 STCW Convention, as amended. | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | August, 2008 | | circulars seafarers |
246 | Protective Coatings of Dedicated Seawater Ballast Tanks in all Types of Ships and Double- side Skin Spaces of Bulk Carriers (PSPC). | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | June, 2012 | | circulars solas |
81 | MARPOL 73/78 – Retention on Board of Oily Waste – CANCELLED | October, 2023 | CANCELLED, CIRCULARS, MARPOL | July, 1992 | | cancelled circulars marpol |
360 | Ships that assist North Korea will be captured and processed | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, RESTRICTED VESSELS | February, 2018 | | circulars restricted-vessels |
87 | Panama Policy on MODU Code and Offshore Drilling Units. | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, OFFSHORE | April, 1994 | | circulars offshore |
261 | Medical Certificate of Seafarers | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | December, 2012 | | circulars mlc |
70 | Panama Policy on Technical Matters – CANCELLED | October, 2023 | CANCELLED, CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | September, 1993 | | cancelled circulars technical-policies |
264 | On-board complaints procedure – Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006, as amended). | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | January, 2013 | | circulars mlc |
323 | Organizational Changes in the General Directorate of Merchant Marine of the Panama Maritime Authority. CANCELLED | October, 2015 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | OCTOBER, 2015 | | circulars technical-policies |
263 | Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC,2006) – Contact Points. CANCELLED | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | September, 2014 | | circulars mlc |
203 | Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for ships carrying oil or oil fuel | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | July, 2009 | | circulars solas |
162 | New fees for Exemption Certificates | September, 2022 | CIRCULARS, PAYMENTS AND DISCOUNTS | March, 2018 | | circulars payments-and-discounts |
200 | MARPOL 73/78 Annex II and IBC/BCH Code relative matters. | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | July, 2008 | | circulars marpol |
186 | Tripartite Agreements in Compliance with Regulation 6.3 of Annex II MARPOL 73/78 – CANCELLED | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | OCTOBER, 2008 | | circulars marpol |
157 | International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001 | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | March, 2008 | | circulars technical-policies |
250 | Lifeboat on-load release and retrieval systems | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | July, 2014 | | circulars solas |
251 | Mobile Offshore Driling Units and Mobile Offshore Units- high speed craft | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | February, 2017 | | circulars mlc |
209 | Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Management Plan | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | July, 2010 | | circulars marpol |
113 | Compliance with Mandatory Ship Reporting Systems. | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | SEPTEMBER, 2001 | | circulars solas |
71 | Official Documents on Board Panama Flag Vessels and Standard Fees. | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, PUBLICATION / LOGBOOKS | JUNE, 1992 | | circulars publication-logbooks |
215 | Panama Oil Record Book and Emissions (Amendments and Guidelines). | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, PUBLICATION / LOGBOOKS | December, 2010 | | circulars publication-logbooks |
222 | Use of the Merchant Marine Circulars and Merchant Marine Notices. | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, PUBLICATION / LOGBOOKS | April, 2011 | | circulars publication-logbooks |
340 | Application of Annex 14 of the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code). | September, 2023 | CASUALTY INVESTIGATIONS, CIRCULARS | March, 2017 | | casualty-investigations circulars |
184 | Maritime Affairs & Casualty Investigations of Panama flagged vessels. | October, 2023 | CASUALTY INVESTIGATIONS, CIRCULARS | September, 2008 | | casualty-investigations circulars |
170 | Night Time Lookout | October, 2023 | CASUALTY INVESTIGATIONS, CIRCULARS | July, 2008 | | casualty-investigations circulars |
169 | Radio Accounting Authorities and Point Service Activations. | September, 2023 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | July, 2010 | | circulars registration-requirements |
299 | Regulation for the Safety of Vessels under 500GRT | September, 2023 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | October, 2014 | | circulars technical-policies |
176 | International Safety Management (ISM) Code Panama Policy. | September, 2023 | CIRCULARS, ISM CODE | August, 2008 | | circulars ism-code |
285 | Principles of Minimum Safe Manning. | September, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MINIMUN SAFE MANNING | September, 2013 | | circulars minimun-safe-manning |
307 | Code for Recognized Organizations (RO Code). | September, 2023 | CIRCULARS, RO, RSO AND CLASS | December, 2014 | | circulars ro-rso-and-class |
278 | Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006, as amended) – Certification of Recruitment and Placement Agencies, Regulation 1.4. | September, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | SEPTEMBER, 2014 | | circulars mlc |
131 | Authorized Recognized Security Organizations (RSO), Reports and Fees. | September, 2023 | CIRCULARS, RO, RSO AND CLASS | JANUARY, 2012 | | circulars ro-rso-and-class |
399 | Statutory requirements for a Single International Voyage. | August, 2023 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | August, 2015 | | circulars technical-policies |
67 | Issuance of Tonnage Certificates | July, 2023 | CIRCULARS, TONNAGE | June, 1992 | | circulars tonnage |
398 | PARIS MOU Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels. | July, 2023 | CIRCULARS, PSC | July, 2023 | | circulars psc |
283 | Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) – Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Services Guide. | June, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | September, 2013 | | circulars mlc |
130 | Regulations of Maritime Labour Inspection and other provisions regarding life, work, accommodation, food, certification and manning conditions of seafarers on board ships of Panamanian flag. | May, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | October, 2003 | | circulars mlc |
311 | Regulations that regulates the Maritime Training Centers with head offices in the Republic of Panama or abroad, headquarters and/or branches, to whom the Panama Maritime Authority delegates the training of seafarers. | May, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | May, 2015 | | circulars seafarers |
351 | New stamp in the Seaman´s Book that ratifies that the Republic of Panama accomplishes with the Convention 108 of the ILO and the article VI of the 1978 STCW Convention, amended. | May, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | July, 2017 | | circulars seafarers |
201 | Correction of Deficiencies found in ASI Inspections. | May, 2023 | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | February, 2009 | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
332 | Provisions for authorization as brokers of services of technical documentation for seafarers. | May, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | May, 2016 | | circulars seafarers |
265 | Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006, as amended) – Occupational Groups (DEFINITIONS). | April, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | April, 2023 | | circulars mlc |
144 | Immersion Suits requirement, inspection and service. | April, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | April, 2006 | | circulars solas |
279 | Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006, as amended) – Certificate of Inspection of Crew Accommodation (CICA). | April, 2023 | CIRCULARS, MLC | April, 2023 | | circulars mlc |
219 | Payments to Panama Maritime Authority | January, 2023 | CIRCULARS, PAYMENTS AND DISCOUNTS | FEBRUARY, 2011 | | circulars payments-and-discounts |
158 | EPIRB Registration. | January, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | MARCH, 2008 | | circulars solas |
337 | Instructions for Payments to CSR and ISSC | December, 2022 | CIRCULARS, ISPS CODE | OCTOBER, 2016 | | circulars isps-code |
384 | Guidelines for appeals process against Port State Control deficiencies/detentions. | October, 2022 | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | JUNE, 2020 | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
257 | Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) | October, 2022 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | November, 2012 | | circulars marpol |
121 | Security Levels and Declaration of Security (DoS). CANCELLED | October, 2023 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | July, 2002 | | circulars solas |
346 | Amendments to the Ship Security Plans (SSP) for Recognized Security Organization (RSO) duly cancelled. | October, 2022 | CIRCULARS, ISPS CODE | FEBRUARY, 2017 | | circulars isps-code |
198 | Renewal of the Bunkers Convention Certificate CANCELLED | October, 2022 | CIRCULARS | JANUARY, 2009 | | circulars |
260 | Bunker Convention Certificate Cost | September, 2022 | CIRCULARS, PAYMENTS AND DISCOUNTS | JANUARY, 2018 | | circulars payments-and-discounts |
180 | Accession & Entry into force of the Bunkers Convention 2001 | September, 2022 | CIRCULARS, LIABILITY | AUGUST, 2008 | | circulars liability |
317 | Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007. | September, 2022 | CIRCULARS, LIABILITY | AUGUST, 2015 | | circulars liability |
290 | Accession of the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 2002. | September, 2022 | CIRCULARS, LIABILITY | June, 2014 | | circulars liability |
35 | Bareboat Charter Flagging. | August, 2022 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | FEBRUARY, 1992 | | circulars registration-requirements |
281 | Guidelines for the Maintenance, Inspection of Fire-Protection System and Appliances | July, 2022 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | AUGUST, 2013 | | circulars solas |
34 | Performance Standards for Gyro Compasses. CANCELLED | June, 2022 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | FEBRUARY, 1992 | | circulars solas |
277 | Fire Control Plan graphical symbols and Verification. | June, 2022 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | June, 2013 | | circulars solas |
336 | Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006), amendments Regulations 2.5 (repatriation) and 4.2 (shipowner´s liability). | June, 2022 | CIRCULARS, MLC | SEPTEMBER, 2016 | | circulars mlc |
168 | Approval of the Rate of Discharge for Untreated Sewage. | May, 2022 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | July, 2008 | | circulars marpol |
304 | Implementation of New Ship’s Routeing System in Panama. | March, 2022 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | November, 2014 | | circulars technical-policies |
396 | Regulation for the issuance of the Certificate of Inspection of Crew Accommodation (CICA) and its exemptions, dispensations and authorizations of the Ship Registry of the Republic of Panama. | March, 2022 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | March, 2022 | | circulars seafarers |
300 | CICA IMO Number. CANCELLED BY MMC-396 | March, 2022 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | OCTOBER, 2014 | | circulars seafarers |
297 | Revocation of Circular MMC-282 “Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) – Certificate of Inspection of Crew Accommodation, Recreational Facilities and Food & Catering. CANCELLED BY MMC-396 | March, 2022 | CIRCULARS, MLC | SEPTEMBER, 2014 | | circulars mlc |
296 | Dispensation Procedure/CICA Exemption. CANCELLED BY MMC-396 | March, 2022 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | SEPTEMBER, 2014 | | circulars seafarers |
190 | Issue of the Certificate of Inspection of Crew Accommodation (CICA). CANCELLED BY MMC-396 | March, 2022 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | DECEMBER, 2008 | | circulars seafarers |
88 | Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plans for Oil and/or Noxious Liquid Substances. | Febrary, 2022 | CIRCULARS, RO, RSO AND CLASS | AUGUST, 1994 | | circulars ro-rso-and-class |
77 | RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR MOUs | January, 2022 | CIRCULARS, OFFSHORE | July, 1992 | | circulars offshore |
302 | Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, amended (MLC). Exemption Certificate and Dispensation Letter. Title 3, Regulation 3.1, Standard A3.1 and Part B of the Code, Regarding accommodation and Recreational Facilities. | December, 2021 | CIRCULARS, MLC | SEPTEMBER, 2014 | | circulars mlc |
268 | Adopted Standards regarding watchkeeping, applicable to seafarers working onboard ships under Panamanian flag, according to the STCW´78 Convention, as amended, the MLC, 2006, amended and the national regulations. | December, 2021 | CIRCULARS, MLC | MARCH, 2013 | | circulars mlc |
108 | Publications and Records required on board non-self-propelled and self-propelled Mobile Offshore, and Offshore Support Vessels | November, 2021 | CIRCULARS, OFFSHORE | SEPTEMBER, 1999 | | circulars offshore |
143 | Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) | November, 2021 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | FEBRUARY, 2006 | | circulars marpol |
178 | Reports Alleging Inadequate MARPOL Port Reception Facilities | November, 2021 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | AUGUST, 2008 | | circulars marpol |
107 | Publications and Records required on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or above with International Registration in the Panamanian Registry | October, 2021 | CIRCULARS, PUBLICATION / LOGBOOKS | March, 1999 | | circulars publication-logbooks |
395 | IGF CODE | July, 2021 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | July, 2021 | | circulars solas |
194 | Approval of the use of Viking Liferaft Type S30 | July, 2021 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | DECEMBER, 2008 | | circulars solas |
394 | Marine Evacuation System (MES) Procedure | June, 2021 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | June, 2021 | | circulars solas |
175 | Crew Dispensations due to Article VIII of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, as amended. | June, 2021 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | July, 2008 | | circulars seafarers |
393 | Australian Port Pre-arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels. | June, 2021 | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | MAY, 2021 | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
393 | Australian Port Pre-arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels. | June, 2021 | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | MAY, 2021 | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
255 | Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) – Authorized Recognized Organizations. | June, 2021 | CIRCULARS, MLC | November, 2012 | | circulars mlc |
381 | U.S. Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels. | May, 2021 | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | MAY, 2021 | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
392 | International Code of the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code). | May, 2021 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | MAY, 2021 | | circulars solas |
341 | Recognized Organizations authorized for the issuance of the Polar Ship Certificate under the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and the International Convention for the Prevention of Maritime Pollution. | May, 2021 | CIRCULARS, RO, RSO AND CLASS | DECEMBER, 2016 | | circulars ro-rso-and-class |
369 | Independent Companies Authorized by the Panama Maritime Authority for Data Collection. | April, 2021 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | July, 2018 | | circulars marpol |
389 | Panama Policy for Maritime Anti-Corruption Matters. | MARCH, 2021 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | MARCH, 2021 | | circulars technical-policies |
284 | Recognized Organizations approved for the issuance of the Class Certificate. | March, 2021 | CIRCULARS, RO, RSO AND CLASS | SEPTEMBER, 2013 | | circulars ro-rso-and-class |
348 | Recognized Organizations authorized for the issuance of the Provisional Certificate under the International Ballast Water Management Convention, 2004 | Febrary, 2021 | CIRCULARS, RO, RSO AND CLASS | MARCH, 2017 | | circulars ro-rso-and-class |
382 | Panama Policy on Remote Surveys and Remote Inspection Techniques | Febrary, 2021 | CIRCULARS, RO, RSO AND CLASS | June, 2020 | | circulars ro-rso-and-class |
267 | Notification of Resolution No. 106-146-DGMM | January, 2021 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | FEBRUARY, 2013 | | circulars technical-policies |
331 | Samples of certificates and seafarers’ documentation implemented and approved by the Panama Maritime Authority. | December, 2020 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | MAY, 2016 | | circulars seafarers |
112 | EPIRB Programming and Registration. | December, 2020 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | DECEMBER, 1999 | | circulars solas |
262 | Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), Employment Agreements | December, 2020 | CIRCULARS, MLC | DECEMBER, 2012 | | circulars mlc |
387 | Mandatory Implementation of the Amendments to the 2011 ESP Code | September, 2020 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | SEPTEMBER, 2020 | | circulars solas |
| Guidelines for appeals process against Port State Control deficiencies/detentions. | | CIRCULARS, INSPECTIONS/PSC/ASI | | | circulars inspections-psc-asi |
375 | Ship Implementation Plan for the Consistent Implementation of the 0.50% Sulphur Limit under MARPOL Annex VI | January, 2020 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | AUGUST, 2019 | | circulars marpol |
312 | Early Implementation of SOLAS Regulations II-2/Regulation 1 and II-2/Regulation 10 | January, 2019 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | JANUARY, 2019 | | circulars solas |
211 | Segumar Tokyo Office CANCELLED | December, 2016 | CANCELLED, CIRCULARS, SEGUMAR CONTACTS | April, 2010 | | cancelled circulars segumar-contacts |
233 | Ship Registration | SEPTEMBER, 2016 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | SEPTEMBER, 2016 | | circulars registration-requirements |
332 | General Directorate Of Seafarer’s Broker’s Database Program | May, 2016 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | MAY, 2016 | | circulars seafarers |
319 | Fuel regulations at berth in Hong Kong | September, 2015 | CIRCULARS, MARPOL | SEPTEMBER, 2015 | | circulars marpol |
153 | Crew Roll Logbook Endorsement | October, 2014 | CIRCULARS, SEAFARERS | OCTOBER, 2014 | | circulars seafarers |
292 | Mobile OFFshore Units (MOU) – Nondescript Units | July, 2014 | CIRCULARS, OFFSHORE | July, 2014 | | circulars offshore |
289 | Bottom Surveys of Mobile Offshore Units (Drilling and non-Drilling) certificated under MODU Code adoption | April, 2014 | CIRCULARS, OFFSHORE | Febrary, 2014 | | circulars offshore |
287 | Earlier Implementation of Amendment to SOLAS Reg. V/19.1.2 (BNWAS installation) | January, 2014 | CIRCULARS, SOLAS | JANUARY, 2014 | | circulars solas |
| Notification of the Consulate of the Republic of Panama in Turkey, as a Merchant Marine Privative Consulate | | CIRCULARS, CONSULAR OFFICE | | | circulars consular-office |
266 | Notification of the Consulate of the Republic of Panama in Turkey, as a Merchant Marine Privative Consulate | Febrary, 2015 | CIRCULARS, CONSULAR OFFICE | Febrary, 2013 | | circulars consular-office |
232 | Registration, Annual Tax, Casualty Investigation and Annual Safety Inspection Fees | October, 2011 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | OCTOBER, 2011 | | circulars registration-requirements |
18 | Required Documents for Ship Radio Stations | October, 2011 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | OCTOBER, 2011 | | circulars registration-requirements |
60 | Amendments to Panama Ship Mortgage Law | October, 2011 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | OCTOBER, 2011 | | circulars registration-requirements |
17 | Applications for Radiocommunication Station License in the Maritime Mobile Service and List of Approved Radio Service Companie | October, 2011 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | OCTOBER, 2011 | | circulars registration-requirements |
9 | Registration and inspection of Yachts | October, 2011 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | OCTOBER, 2011 | | circulars registration-requirements |
8 | Amendments to the Vessel Registration (Navigation) | October, 2011 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | OCTOBER, 2011 | | circulars registration-requirements |
11 | Mortgage Contract | October, 2011 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | OCTOBER, 2011 | | circulars registration-requirements |
12 | Execution of Bill of Sale – Language Requirements | October, 2011 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | OCTOBER, 2011 | | circulars registration-requirements |
16 | Registry of Vessels Under Construction which require | September, 2011 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | SEPTEMBER, 2011 | | circulars registration-requirements |
227 | Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) | CANCELLED | BWMC, CIRCULARS, MLC | July, 2011 | | bwmc circulars mlc |
213 | ISM CODE AMENDMENTS | July, 2010 | CIRCULARS, ISM CODE | July, 2010 | | circulars ism-code |
210 | Review of Executive Decree No. 49 | MARCH, 2010 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | MARCH, 20101 | | circulars registration-requirements |
151 | Implementation of IMO Unique Company and Registered Owner Identification Number Scheme | September, 2007 | CIRCULARS, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | September, 2007 | | circulars registration-requirements |
115 | Implementation of the ISM Code for other Cargo Ships and Mobile Drilling Units of 500 Gross Tonnage and upward – Required reporting date.- CANCELLED | September, 2001 | CIRCULARS, ISM CODE, OFFSHORE | September, 2001 | | circulars ism-code offshore |
114 | Policy matters | September, 2001 | CIRCULARS, TECHNICAL POLICIES | September, 2001 | | circulars technical-policies |
174 | List of Surveyors | July, 2008 | CANCELLED, CIRCULARS | JANUARY, 2000 | | cancelled circulars |
383 | List of Recognized Organizations whose rules have been confirmed as conforming to the GBS. | June, 2020 | CIRCULARS, RO, RSO AND CLASS | June, 2020 | | circulars ro-rso-and-class |